Simply put progressive web applications are web applications that load similar to conventional webpages or websites. However, they provide user functionality such as device hardware access, working offline as well as push notifications which are traditionally the domain of native applications. A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a web app that leverages modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like experience to users. We take a look at how they benefit the contemporary app store.
Save time as well as resources for your ecommerce store – Native apps consume additional time resources and efforts for supporting varied platforms such as Android and iOS. Because of this they are very pricy to build as well as maintain. On the other hand, a PWA implementation requires just a single codebase. This simplifies the process as well as brings down the expense associated with maintenance as well as development. You don’t have to develop separate apps for the Android and iOS platforms. As a result, a huge amount of resources are saved in terms of publishing, building as well as marketing the relevant apps. PWAs offer a superior as well as more convenient approach to offer app-like user experience for the clients rather than passing through a long procedure of distributing to the respective app stores.
Ensures being always up-to-date- Users need not have to frequently download as well as install update to obtain access to the latest version. As long as internet connectivity is present, PWAs ensure that the latest content is always available. This lets us publish fresh content to the PWA without compromising customer experience as it would be refreshed in an instant.
Provide cross browser facility – Just like certain websites PWAs operate cross-browser giving universal access to all visitors. They have to simply navigate to any browser and then immediately access the app. After being loaded on a particular browser they can operate seamlessly on different screen sizes such as desktop, mobile or tablet. A nicely designed and properly built PWA can guarantee that visitors get the best possible experience during browsing whatever device be employed by them.
No requirement of app stores- Progressive web apps aid enterprises to give fantastic app experience anytime visitors desire instead of being restricted to the app stores. For fresh visitors needing to download as well as install apps on their respective devices to complete an order is a needless action. They would prefer to be within the mobile browsers for a faster as well as more convenient way to complete their respective tasks. PWAs do away with the inconvenience of app stores by giving app-like experience so visitors can browse it directly from the web.
Other benefits include minimizing data usage, being discoverable as well as shareable, higher level of security, more engaging content, reliability and fast site speed.